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The year is, (20)16 going on (20)17.
Sunday, January 8, 2017 10:46 PM

How fast time passes. It was a little more than a year ago that I last blogged and so many things have transpired within that span of time. (side note: I think this space shall now just serve the purpose of publishing my yearly thoughts for which I can look back upon easily.) Just to make things easier, I would go through my #2016bestnine that I had recently shared on instagram to recount the year that had just passed.

1. Run for Hope 2016
It was my first 10k run in my life and I was glad to have done it together with my cell group, then known as Thomas and Friends. What made the run even more special was that we had a goal to run for Yileen's dad too, who was a cancer victim himself. The run brought us closer together and also taught me personally the lesson of perseverance. In fact, uncle Tit Meng's life itself taught me such a lesson of persevering in faith too. Up till he breathed his last breath, he still clung onto God and finished his race with grace. I'm glad to be a part of his life then and a part of this journey with his family.

2. Family 
My family went through a bit of transition this year as we enjoyed the addition ofy adopted little niece, Beatrice, and subsequently the relocation of my sister's family. My parents had also flown there with them to help them settle in for their first 3 months. So yes, for 3 months, I had the house and car all to myself. It was lonely at times but I was kept busy enough to not feel so all the time. And I got to experiment with cooking in this period, which was good. Also, I still had my brother and his family to have dinners with 😊 so that helped definitely.  But I sure do miss my sister's family; or maybe I just miss the girls haha. I am already looking forward to our reunion in New York City this June! 

3. TCC - Jeanette's wedding 
The second of the girls in TCC that got hitched is Gnet! Thankful that I got to be a part of the wedding as I sang at the church and also got a chance to perform an a cappella arrangement for her dinner. This couple is truly a blessing to all they are in contact with and I pray they continue to do so all their lives together.

Thankful for TCC too who continue to remain in my heart even though we may be largely separated now as some of us move on to different places.

Of course, there were other weddings in this year that were significant too! Very thankful to have been involved or been able to attend theirs too - Mel, Nathan, Joanna :)

4. Reuben's Grad Trip
One milestone celebrated this year was definitely Reuben's graduation in May! The whole family trooped over, including his best friend, to celebrate this joyous occasion together with him. It was a joy to see him "complete" his education (he still had 2 summer classes actually haha). I still remember the time I was in Toronto and making the ERP video while he awaited for the outcome of his NYU application. But now, he's a proud graduate from this esteemed university. Praise the Lord! The road trip thereafter was also memorable as the whole family went on it together, creating memories together (including memories of motion sickness haha) and enjoying each other's company. 

5. Reuben and I got engaged! 
This must be one of the greater highlights of the year. It came so unexpectedly for me that my face was full of tears in that moment. Reuben, being the greatest liar (or I, being the most gullible lady), fooled me into thinking there would be no ring since we agreed on doing without any proposal. And so, when it all happened, I was utterly surprised and overwhelmed by the sight of it and as I realised what was going on before me. Anyhow, this was a moment that symbolised the entry into the next phase of our relationship, that is, our engagement. We are excited to take this step forward and will continue to plough through another 1.5 yrs of LDR by the grace of God! 

6. Started part-time Masters of Science (Research) in NUS 
After much questioning of the choices that were placed in front of me - to accept the offers of the universities in New York or to remain in Singapore should they accept me, I made my choice to do stay. Weighing out the various considerations, it just seemed to be the wiser choice out of all. First, I won't face such a financial setback. Second, I don't have to struggle with physical boundary temptations compared to if I live in the same city as Reuben without family around us. Third, I get to complete my project and oversee the revision process (which btw, is twice as hard as working on the project pre-publication haha). So yes, it just all seem to play out better and I'm glad for the opportunity to continue working under my boss and with my current colleagues. Thank God! 

7. Mum's health
I give thanks to God for restoring my mum's health after the sudden episode of her hospitalisation in September. I remember when my dad called me while I was at work, that my mum was experiencing very bad fainting spells, I felt a sense of fear well up in me, which I later surrendered unto God and chose to trust Him instead. Thankfully, the problem was detected and she also got better as she rested in the hospital and later underwent the angioplasty procedures. This was pretty soon after she came back from the US so it is really by God's grace that this didn't happen while she was there. Otherwise, medical fees would have cost so much more than what it would cost here. Altogether, this episode really taught me to cherish my parents even more. Additionally, I am also even more convicted to eat and live healthier while I am still young and there's still time for prevention. So this year, hopefully I can upkeep better lifestyle habits, make better lifestyle choices as well, by God's grace. 

8. Sojourners! 
So the cell had some transitions this year as some people left to form up the 5th Emerge cell group. With that, we also had to rename our cell from Thomas and Friends to something else. We ended up with 'Sojourners' to remind ourselves that this world we are in is temporary and that we have an eternal city in heaven. But while we are in this world now, we live in faith together as a community of brothers and sisters, and spur each other to become more Christlike. We also continue to walk close to God and display His love to many around us. Thankful for this family that walks together and does life together in Christ. 

9. Reuben and I successfully purchased our BTO flat! 
Last event I celebrate is the official signing of the agreement to purchase the Sale of Balance Flats (SOBF)  It was in Nov 2015 that we first applied for the SOBF and in Feb 2016, we received the news that we scored a good balloting queue number. Later on in July 2016, we also successfully chose the flat of choice without any issues. And in Nov 2016, we managed to sign the agreement without any major complications given Reuben was away and we had to obtain power of attorney for his dad to sign on his behalf. Thank God for the smooth-sailing process from start till now so far! 

So I’ve come to the end of my recount. I would say it’s been a great, eventful (20)16. My prayer for (20)17 is that it would continue to reveal God’s goodness, grace, and His person to me. There will be lots of things going on this year but I press on with the joy of the Lord as my strength. I would end this post with Philippians 3:7-9 which will I pray will be true for me in (20)17 too.

“But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ- the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.”

Hello 2016.
Monday, January 4, 2016 8:38 PM

It has been more than a year since I shared a public entry on my blog. But there is just an urge to put down some thoughts about 2015 and hopes for 2016 before I allow the year to again fly past me, as it did so last year.

2015 has been a year of much asking - asking and seeking the Lord for His will and direction with regards to the future. There were talks between Reuben and I on our future and where we would be in the next two years at least, geographically as well as relationally. Anyway, so throughout the year, I have been busy at work and also just preparing for some exams which I had to take in order to apply for some post-graduate programmes overseas. Yes I have intentions to further my studies overseas, if not Singapore. Well, the whole idea came about to close up the duration of the LDR with Reuben but there were a lot of factors that had to be considered as well. In any case, we both have been praying and still are praying even as I am in the progress of submitting the applications. It was a tough year trying to make sense of things, deciding whether to proceed with certain actions or not. We had to balance our personal wants and desires with the progress of our relationship at the same time. We want to move together in a direction that God most desires for the both of us, individually and as a couple. Many times for me personally, it is a struggle even as I seek God for a clarity with regards to what He's calling me to do as far as my career is concerned. There were times in the year that I am encouraged to continue pursuing what I am doing right now, but there were also times where I had doubts due to the other uncertainties in life at the moment. Do I continue and pursue further studies now or is God rerouting my life to do something else first...? Questions like that have been tossed around my mind many occasions which I have no answers for still at this moment.

However, despite 2015 being a year of much asking and living in constant uncertainties, I still thank God for the opportunity for me to grow in greater trust in Him. Living on the edge with all these ambiguity does propel me to depend on Him even more. Even though I may feel lost at times, I know deep down that I have a faithful God who loves me, who never leaves me nor forsakes me. Reuben has been very good at always just pointing me to God and His everlasting promises to us, and I am truly thankful for that too although I admit my pride may often prevent me from accepting his reminders and pointers well. I'm grateful for the many books that I got to read in the past few months since receiving a Kindle for my birthday. The various Christian books I had read have all been very helpful in also directing my mind towards God too. And not to forget the daily devotional readings together with the rest of the leadership in Agape that have been really encouraging and refreshing for my soul. In 2015, my family also welcomed a new addition - baby Beatrice - who has been nothing but an abundance of joy to us too. :)

Come 2016 is going to be a year where things may change and a year of many answers I believe. I would hear of my post-grad application outcomes and Reubs can also have a better sensing of his own position as well. We would also know our BTO balloting results soon too, from our recent application. In my own family, there will also be several transitions as my sis's family relocates to US for 2 years and my parents thinking of going along for 3 months or even up to a year. But for that, I think my parents will also get a clearer picture over time in the next few months to come. On the whole, there are just many unanswered questions yet but I am trusting that things will be better revealed this year. Having said that, it is truly my hope for this year that I will be able to trust God for whatever that happens as I continue to gain greater clarity for all things. I hope to be rest assured that His plans will always be for my good, no matter what. Most of all, I hope to continue to rest upon the saving grace of God in my life and not on my own merits and abilities always.

Moving Forward
Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:23 PM

Moving Forward. That was the subject of an email I had received 3 years and one month (about there) ago. This was sent by the guy I was hanging out with, getting to know more about (i.e. Reuben), asking if I have any thoughts about our next step forward.

Now, before you all start about how he could have used an email to bring up such a matter, I must clarify that I very much appreciated this action. I am totally not the kind of person you'd ask face-to-face and expect me to give you an answer without feeling awkward. Therefore, it was actually a good thing that I received the question via e-mail. Not confrontational at all. And so anyway, I took the time to consider, pray through, consult people around me, before I replied him. Yes, I just did not muster the courage to tell him directly either. And I essentially waited about a month to reply him via email too, on the day before my birthday, really just a few hours before the clock stroke 12. 

So that was the backstory of how it all happened and today, we've gone through three years as a dating couple. But it's not been that easy a journey. There are a few things you just learn along the way. And since it's been three years, I suppose I'll narrow down to three main things I've learned.

ONE | We don't come together when we have it altogether. It's my first relationship after all. I had thought at that point of saying yes to the relationship, I was ready for one, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. But of course, looking back right now, I can only tell my younger self, "you don't even know what you think you're being ready for." Sure, we all like to think at one point in time, that we are ready to get together with someone. However, truth is, no matter how prepared we think we are, we will never be ready. When two people come together, it is actually two sinners coming together with their flaws. When they meet, the flaws somehow get magnified and whatever form of "readiness" one has, blurs into the periphery. My senior pastor had preached just last Sunday in the first of the Love First series, there are no married people issues; there are only people issues that get worse in marriage. I would like to extrapolate that to the level of a dating/courting couple as well. Being together with someone somehow has the ability to expose our vulnerabilities and our weaknesses the way we don't want. But we so need for them to be exposed in order for us to grow.

Even now, as we are contemplating moving forward with our current relationship and prepare for something better, I do still find it difficult to 'feel' ready. But what's more important is that we keep trusting, depending on God to lead us forward in our journey.

TWO | Communication is key in a relationship. In the first year, you realise, it takes a while to get used to communicating with each other every single day. I still remember once, during my pre-smartphone days, at the very start, I kinda didn't bother texting Reuben the entire day and he had to text me this in the night, "hey, haven't heard from you the whole day? how's your day been?" That was when it struck me that I was no longer living my life individually but that I have someone I can actually share with, and I want to actually share with. Cheesy as it is when people laugh of couples who tell each other what they do all the time, it is a good thing! It shows we are interested in one another's lives. Of course, one mustn't venture to the extreme of being obsessive and possessive.

Communication isn't all about telling each other about what we do every day. If life is simply about doing, then our lives are pretty mechanised, don't you think? We communicate our feelings, our values, opinions and thoughts too. That's what makes us human - the ability to think and feel. We have been raised differently and inculcated different values and developed different stands. We share them and work out our similarities and differences together. We share our feelings when we feel hurt and disappointment, especially so when the source is our boyfriend or girlfriend.  

Now this part of communication was really something difficult for me. I was not the kind of person to identify my emotions, much less express it. For very long, I've mastered the art of bottling my deepest feelings, often-time with the reasonable excuse of not wanting to inconvenience others with how I feel. Therefore, it took many quarrels and conflicts for me to slowly get the hang of expressing how I feel without avoiding conflict or unhappiness. I'm still learning but I've definitely gotten better. :)

Currently, in our LDR, we deem communication to be just really important to keep our relationship going. It's difficult but relationships do require lots of effort and effort to communicate is just but one of them. Thank God for the strength and perseverance He's given us so far and the grace to continue for the next two years or so.

THREE | Serve each other; don't expect to be served. This is yet another area Reuben and I are constantly still working on - serving each other. For a start, I'm not one to be super initiative in serving the guy physically. I remember once I had a conflict with him when I didn't help bring him food when he's engineering the sound for a wedding dinner. So this concept of serving was no doubt something I've been learning and still am, throughout the years!

There are many times we each will want our selfish ways, resulting in arguments and tears shed. When we only expect to be served, that's when disappointments crush us. But, we are always reminded of how self-centered we are when we look deeper at the issues. We are no better than each other, and no more deserving of anything better when we see our inherent nature as equal sinners in God's eyes. Yet, Jesus first served us when He died for us on the cross. This perfect role model for love displayed by selfless sacrifice is who we both want to emulate. We want to seek the best for the other, seek to serve the other in word and deed. Whether is it affirming Reuben as he faithfully leads me in this relationship, or simply dishing food for him when we eat. Those are just some of the ways I am trying to serve him, just as how Christ first served us.

With all that said, it is most important to center the relationship in God. He is the one who has given us all that we ever need in Him. My boyfriend, no matter how awesome he is (well he really is awesome on his own), will never be as awesome as God. Reuben will never be able to satisfy my desires and serve me all the time because he is human and he will fail at times. Therefore, the one fundamental truth we both always remember is that God is the center of our relationship. He is the ultimate anchor and shelter in our all our storms. Conflicts may rock our boat but we will not sink if we cling to God always and let Him lead us to stability once again. I thank God for the past three years and prayerfully continue to look to God to lead us for more years into the future. :)

Some Travel Thoughts
Saturday, July 26, 2014 10:21 AM

Following one's graduation always seems to be the much-awaited-for "grad trip(s)" - a phenomena among graduates from almost all over the world, albeit just a more extravagant and indulgent excuse to go on a nice vacation after years of slogging. Well, of course, I was, in every way, such a conformist to this trend, and went on to have sorta 3-part gradtrip. I say sorta, because only one (Boracay) was essentially the grad trip while the rest (Penang/Alor Setar; Surabaya) were added on a while later.

All three places were just enjoyable in different ways. Boracay was definitely much loved for the beautiful beaches, picturesque skies and seas, exciting experiences with cliff diving, parasailing and snorkelling. And, it was my first trip outside of church camps with church friends where I guess we got to know a lil of each other better outside of church contexts. Penang/Alor Setar was a mega foodhunt with the Ramans & WM. In that trip, I was really just eating non-stop! I also got to see Reuben's grandma who was such a warmhearted and adorable person. It was also in this trip though, where I had certain confrontations with my own heart and soul. Finally, Surabaya was a time where existing friendships were deepened while new friendships made. Adventure was no doubt a big part of the trip with the early bumpy ride to catch a breathtaking sunrise on altitudes above cloud levels, not to mention the cold! Treetop adventure was also a challenge that we undertook. And food too along with attending a Bahasa Indonesia church service (which opened my eyes to the Kingdom of God as people of a dfferent tongue worships) haha. Additionally, this trip involved some personal knots which got untied and loose ends tied up, therefore, making it more memorable too.

Each trip got me enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of the city/town as I breathed in my surroundings. Alas, all these travels have got to come to an end one day. At the end of each trip, while I would miss those relaxing, burden-free moments I get to have, or the beautiful nature I get to live within, I recognise the truth that I still have my current reality to live in. Life is, after all, not always a fairytale, as Reuben has been reminding me. We can't always have our cakes and eat them too, I guess. But, why then do we all crave for a paradise state of life? Why do we long for relief from burdens and pressures? Why do we long for infinite quality time building relationships with people we love? Why do we long to eat the best foods and catch the most astounding sunrises?

I suppose this demonstrates the inherent longings and desires of our souls to be in a state of love, enjoyment and fulfilment. We yearn for a paradise that is worry-free, conflict-free. Yes, there may be times where the world appears to meet the needs and wants we have. But no, soon we find ourselves wishing for more, praying for perhaps that longer stay in the vacation, attempting to scale higher mountains to see more beautiful sights. The list of our desires appears non-exhaustive, never-ending. Eventually, we see that this world cannot truly satisfy what we are made for.

As C.S. Lewis puts it in Mere Christianity:
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. If none of my earthly pleasures satisfy it, that does not prove that the universe is a fraud. Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest the real thing."
We are made for another world, the original world that God had created. Sin, however, came to destroy and tear apart this world that was God's original plan. Therefore because of the brokenness in the world, our current reality is filled with pain and suffering. The squabbles and tussles experienced during these vacations testify to the truth that we are all broken people searching for selfless and sacrificial love, trust and reconciliation. Any little earthly pleasure and joy we may partake of in these vacations are insufficient to fulfil our deepest needs but sufficient only arouse that real thing once again. The real thing, being the day I get to sit before the heavenly throne of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Graduate lo!
Saturday, July 12, 2014 12:13 AM

'Graduate lo!' echoes through the hearts in every single graduate. I guess the exclamation of this phrase carries a rush of varied emotions within a person. Like every dude that finishes army and exclaims 'ORD lo!', there is definitely exhilaration at having completed the education system in Singapore, yet for some, a sense of "where do I go from now?".

Some may already have a secure "future", having landed a job whether at a place they are certain it is for them or not. Some may have walked on stage, thinking about the job interviews they have to go for, yet without any clarity or confirmation of any offers yet. Finally, there are some who are just intending to take that longer transitional gap to do stuff they want/like before intentionally seeking and settling for a stable income. Undoubtedly, the cry of 'Graduate lo!' marks different trajectories that each individual will take. But it is exactly the intersections of all the different trajectories of every individual that makes this world much more interesting and exciting. The different lives of each and every person tells a different story. So what is mine? I would like to say I had it all together; my university life was smooth-sailing all the way. Unfortunately (or fortunately), that is not the case. I had met with various difficulties that appeared to thwart my attempt at graduating normally with an honors degree.

My very first semester saw me failing to reach the bare minimum CAP to do honors in the future but by the grace of God the CAP went up. Through the many rise and falls, I saw God's hand upon this aspect and how He took care that I had sufficient grades to ensure I get an honors degree. Till now, I am still extremely grateful for the results I had received in my final sem for they contain not just hard work of mine but also the grace of God.

In Year 2 Sem 2, I toyed with the idea of applying for an exchange and eventually went ahead with it. God miraculously gave me a place in my uni of choice, University of Toronto, even though it was known to be very popular and difficult to get offered since in my faculty, they judge quite highly from your grades too. People dropped out in the selection rounds and I got the offer! God also provided the finances for me to go to such an expensive country, without any scholarship funding (I forgot to apply for a certain financial assistance then).

In Year 3 Sem 1, I was unable to get a particular life sci mod that was critical for my specialization and the mods I wanna take in Year 4. Since I was going for exchange the following sem, it was imperative that I do that mod in Sem 1 as I was unable to find a mappable mod in UofT. Thank God the appeal went through and I got it!

Year 3 Sem 2 was went I went to UofT. Prior to leaving, I still did not get approval for one of the modules I had wanted to map. However, I've already applied for the classes in UofT then and have already been assigned those classes. It was only after I've attended that class for one day, that I got approval to do another module, which I then wrote in to request for the switch. Things didn't end there though. They assigned me to the other lecture slot that I did not opt for and the problem here is that it clashed with another class. Thankfully, God still worked things through with me as they allowed me to switch since there's enough vacancies after all.

Then came my final year which was nothing but tough. I came back from exchange having to find a prof for FYP frantically since everyone else has already kinda started. By God's grace, He provided me with Dr Eichhorn who showed me so much grace and favour in my time under him. His constant encouragement of my work also affirmed my path in life sciences and research. The FYP process had indeed surfaced a deeper passion for life science beyond the fact that it is interesting in itself.

Also, in Year 4 Sem 1, I faced another issue regarding meeting the graduation criteria. I realised I had miscounted the number of credits (long story to tell here) and therefore needed to make up with an extra mod either in Sem 1 or Sem 2. I remember stressing out at the prospect of not getting the mods and having to stay back another sem. I felt so careless for not being responsible enough for my university progress at that time. I was also afraid of having to do extra workload on top of my FYP. However, God was with me in all of this where He gave me what I needed - the module and more importantly, the strength to get by that sem when I did the extra mod.

Truly, as I recount all these instances, I see traces of God's grace all the while in my 4 years of university education. It has not been smooth-sailing but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything else. While I may barely remember everything that I have learnt in my classes, I can say that I've learnt far more precious lessons because of all these events in my time there. Through every attempt to redeem my academic life, I saw my failings and ugly sin of pride. But I also then see the glory and beauty of my God who extends the greatest love to me at the cross. These little graces I experienced are but to remind me of that greater grace He's shown unto me.

Commencement night was indeed a mark of God's grace to my life. As I stand before my God, I can exclaim 'Graduate lo!' with peace and thankfulness at His work in my life.

How can I do anything but praise
Monday, June 2, 2014 12:07 PM

Today's that last time in 4 years of university education where I'll wake up and receive a message sent at 8am, telling me how I've fared for the past semester. Well, the last time for now at least, till I receive notice of furthering my studies (still at NUS haha).

This morning, I opened my eyes, checked my phone and saw that the message had come in. There was that moment of dread to see my results, a moment of worry and fear if I would see something that would be disappointing. A while later, after having procrastinated on opening that text, I was only just pulling down the notifications screen and by accident, I saw some of the grades shown in the message preview and I just had to open the message to see the rest by then. What I saw was really unbelievable to me! The grade I first saw was my linguistics mod grade which I thought I cld have fared better to get an A but ended up with a B+. Then I saw that my FYP got an A grade and another life science mod got an A- (which was way out of expectations since I thought it was a difficult mod! and my first A grade for LSM mod. haha)! I thought this genetic medicine mod wld be worse off than my other life sci mod on signaling pathways. But no! It was better in fact since I got B+ for the other one.

God really likes to work in ways opposite to my expectation. This isn't the first. I deeply rmb how it happened for my A levels as well when the results of two subjects were opposite to what I had expected to get! But this just only shows me that my results are totally by His grace and under His control, not mine! My CAP also went up by quite a bit, although not enough to go up a class. Still, I'm grateful! And the A grade for my FYP was also such a relief! Really appreciate the kind prof that God provided me with and the very good experience in the lab and the extended grace to work in the lab very soon too.

Indeed, I am very very grateful to God for showing me grace by letting my last sem end on such a great note. I know I have doubted myself over the years of uni; I had felt inadequate in doing Science. I have also doubted God's at work and His promises to never leave me nor forsake me. However, despite all those doubts, God still chose to come through for me and used many instances over my uni education to just show me He is always in control of my situations. Indeed, these grades I have this sem are truly marks of His grace to me, whether they were better or worse than I expected.

I'll prob have more reflections for when I finally commence from NUS. :)

Journey of the past year.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:21 PM

It has ended. What?


The months of going to the lab everyday (yes most times, even Sats and Suns). The countless gels I ran and the luciferase assays I did week after week. The long hours spent in the lab in the day and then doing school work at night. The disappointing moments when the results weren't good and the joyful times when I got what I wanted to see. Then sometime in the past month, making the poster and writing thesis. Yes. They have ended on Thursday, April 10th 2014. 

The journey has been tough - tiring and stressful, yet it has been most enriching. I find myself appreciating the work I was doing more than I ever imagined. I liked the topic of my project and am grateful to have worked on it. It was truly just by God's grace that things fell into place eventually although the initial steps were pretty shaky when things weren't going well. I just had to trust Him with all of it. But that in itself, was not an easy feat.

Sure, He gave me this supervisor even though I only approached him pretty late (June 2013). That, I could see it was the grace of God unto me. But I had my doubts along the way when things didn't work out. I had fears about how this was going to turn out. I was worried, stressed. But time and time again, I was reminded to trust God, not myself. Trust Him that He had placed me there for a reason greater than just having a good FYP. Trust Him that He had placed me there to also grow in my faith in Him, grow in my understanding of who I am in Him. I don't have to lean on my own understanding or abilities for things to work. God was (and still is) at work all the time, whether I see it at that moment or I see it after the outcome was out. 

At the end of it, I had nothing but encouragement. My assessors for the poster presentation seemed alright even though my second examiner asked more tough questions that I honestly was fed up trying to defend my work. But he also did end with a nice remark at the end so thank God for that! Writing the thesis was difficult but my prof really guided me a lot, unlike some other profs. And even when I was worrying about the possibility of getting caught for plagiarism based on the similarity index using turnitin, I was reassured that I'd be backed up and the person in charge also got back to me that everything is fine. Furthermore, my prof has also offerred me to stay on for my project in my interrim while waiting for grad sch application results. Thankful for that too! (This wld be another story to tell for another post... haha)

So yes, the journey has now come to a close. No more tight schedules and long days for now. This is also the last week of school. Uni life is coming to a close too in less than a month when Im done with the final exam. The journey of the past year has ended, and soon, the undergrad journey will too. Looking forward to every step ahead of me which will be marked by my great God!

child of God, my provider

things that cheer me up;
i love to sing, and im still into butterflies, strawberries, purple and lime green. i love my beloved eeyore too! =)

but i simply cant stand coffee, celery and creepy crawlies!!

dreams of having;
small&handy bible;
cream/grey leggings!;
a blazer;
Red White Samsung S3;
Korg SV-1 :D
Fuji Instax Mini25s & Piano Black!!!
An acoustic guitar
Exchange to UoT


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michelle shuyi yishi 2hyper

shirui cosine75*

eunice xinrui mark SC6

grace lydia natalie shalyn Jiahao Lydia's Turkish Diary TCC Reflections Pastor aGape

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